Projekt: Branch- and Bound Algorithmen für das equitable Graphenfärbungsproblem
Overview / The equitable coloring problem / Code and Data /
The equitable coloring problem
Graph coloring
- the minimal integer
- such that there is map (the coloring)
- with
- Assigning workers (colors) to conflicting jobs.
- Assigning maschines (colors) to conflicting tasks.
What about 'fairness'?

Equitable coloring
- the sizes of the color classes may only differ by one, i.e.,
- In other words: each worker has at most one more task than any other worker.
Algorithmic approach: DSATUR
- Only minor differences to DSATUR for 'standard' coloring.
- Within the algorithm, node and color selection is not trivial.
- Pruning is extremely important.

last modified: 10/09/2016 - 16:03