Prof. Dr. Ir. Arie M.C.A. Koster
general / CV / research / publications / teaching / supervision / resources /
- Professor for Discrete Optimization (Lehrstuhl II für Mathematik)
- Contact
Office: 306 (2nd floor)
Gebäude Pontdriesch 10-12; map: building 1950
Phone: +49 (0)241 80 94995 (Secretary)
Fax: +49 (0)241 80 92136
Email: kostermath2.rwth-aachen.de
Google scholar | orcid | twitter | LinkedIn
office hours: by arrangement
- Postal address
Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Diskrete Optimierung
RWTH Aachen University
D-52056 Aachen
- Research
- My research interests are in Integer linear programming, algorithmic graph theory, robust optimization, (telecommunication) network planning, optimization of energy networks, optimization in health care, ... (more)
- Our group organized INOC 2022, 1-4 March 2022 in Aachen.
- Recently, I am/was a member of the program committee of
- EURO 2022, 3-6 July 2022 in Espoo, Finland.
- ISMP 2024, Summer 2024 in Montreal, Canada.
- I chaired the 2020 Dissertation Award committee of INFORMS Section on Telecommunications and Network Analytics
- I coordinated the BMBF-Project ROBUKOM
- I am/was
- Editor of Annals of Operations Research (2019-),
- Associate Editor of INFORMS Journal on Computing (2011-)
- Associate Editor of Networks (2023-)
- Associate Editor of Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research (2011-2022).
- I was guest editor for
- EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, special issue on robust combinatorial optimization (together with Michael Poss)
- EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, special issue on computational discrete optimization (together with Clemens Thielen)
- Networks, special issue in the ocassion of INOC 2022 (together with Christina Büsing and Luis Gouveia)
- Recently, I am/was a member of the program committee of
- Teaching
- Optimization B, Calculus, Linear Algebra, ... (more)
- PhD courses: Clemson 2017, Uppsala 2018
- Memberships
- I am a member of the following professional organizations:

last modified: 29/11/2023 - 12:55