
Dr. rer. nat. Manuel Kutschka

Contact / Curriculum Vitae / Research / Dissertation / Publications / Talks / Conferences and Workshops / Teaching

Conference and workshop attendances

[2013] [2012] [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2005]
INOC 2013: International Network Optimization Conference
Tenerife, Spain. (20/05/2013 - 22/05/2013)
OFC 2013: Optical Fiber Communication Conference
Anaheim, CA, USA. (17/03/2013 - 21/03/2013)

ISMP 2012: 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP)
Berlin, Germany. (19/08/2012 - 24/08/2012)
11th INFORMS Telecommunications Conference
Boca Raton, USA. (15/03/2012 - 17/03/2012)
HPSC 2012: 5th International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing
Hanoi, Vietnam. (05/03/2012 - 09/03/2012)

INFORMS Annual Meeting 2011
Charlotte, USA. (13/11/2011 - 16/11/2011)
DRCN 2011: 8th International Workshop Design of Reliable Communication Networks
Krakow, Poland. (10/10/2011 - 12/10/2011)
SWADO 2011: Siemens Workshop Angewandte Diskrete Optimierung (SWADO) 2011
Pommersfelden, Germany. (29/06/2011 - 01/07/2011)
INOC 2011: International Network Optimization Conference 2011
Hamburg, Germany. (13/06/2011 - 16/06/2011)
ICC 2011: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)
Kyoto, Japan. (05/06/2011 - 09/06/2011)
12. ITG- Fachtagung Photonische Netze
Leipzig, Germany. (02/05/2011 - 03/05/2011)

CWI Symposium Day on Large-Scale and Uncertain Optimization
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (12/11/2010)
NGI 2010: 6th Euro-NF Conference on Next Generation Internet
Paris, France. (02/06/2010 - 04/06/2010)
The 10th INFORMS Telecommunications Conference
Montreal, Canada. (05/05/2010 - 07/05/2010)
35th Conference on the Mathematics on Operations Research: LUNTEREN 2010
Lunteren, The Netherlands. (12/01/2010 - 14/01/2010)

10th Max Planck ADFOCS DRCN Optimization under Uncertainty
Saarbrücken, Germany. (14/09/2009 - 18/09/2009)
ISMP 2009: 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP)
Chicago, USA. (23/08/2009 - 28/08/2009)
INOC 2009: International Network Optimization Conference 2009
Pisa, Italy. (26/04/2009 - 29/04/2009)
DIMAP workshop on Algorithmic Graph Theory
University of Warwick, Coventry, UK. (23/03/2009 - 25/03/2009)

Dies Mathematicus 2008
Technische Universität Berlin, Germany. (14/11/2008)
DIMAP Algorithms Day
University of Warwick, Coventry, UK. (24/10/2008)
NATCOR Course on Combinatorial Optimization
University of Southampton, UK. (15/09/2008 - 19/09/2008)
NATCOR Course on Convex Optimization
Brunel University, London, UK. (16/06/2008 - 20/06/2008)
NATCOR Course on Heuristics and Approximation Algorithms
University of Nottingham, UK. (31/03/2008 - 04/04/2008)
CO 2008: International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization 2008
University of Warwick, Coventry, UK. (16/03/2008 - 19/03/2008)

Combinatorial Optimization at Work
Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany. (04/10/2005 - 15/10/2005)
IPCO 2005: Eleventh Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
Berlin, Germany. (08/06/2005 - 10/06/2005)

last modified: 28/06/2013 - 11:27