Prof. Dr. Ir. Arie M.C.A. Koster
Allgemein / Lebenslauf / Forschung / Veröffentlichungen / Lehre / Abschlussarbeiten / Ressourcen /
Sie können auch bei Google Scholar nachschauen.Publications 2024
Mathematical Programming, series B online first (2024)
Networks 83 (2024), no. 1, 53--82.
In 19th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, Springer (2024), .
Computers & Operations Research 161 (2024), no. 106453
Discrete Applied Mathematics 356 (2024), 369--392.
Publications 2023
Mathematical Programming Computation 15 (2023), 269--326.
In Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization. IPCO 2023, Springer (Del Pia, A. and Kaibel, V. , eds.) (2023), 58--71.
Technical Report , Optimization Online (2023).
Publications 2022
Proceedings of the 10th International Network Optimization Conference, (2022), 1--4.
Proceedings of the 10th International Network Optimization Conference, (2022), 57--62.
Annals of Operations Research 312 (2022), 691--722.
20th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA 2022), Schloss Dagstuhl -- Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2022), 24:1--24:14.
Optimization Online (2022)
Decision-support systems for ambulatory care, including pandemic requirements: using mathematically optimized solutions
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making (2022)
Combinatorial Optimization. ISCO 2022, Springer (2022), 272--283.
Publications 2021
In Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization: from Theory to Applications, Springer (2021), 145--156.
In Network Design with Applications to Transportation and Logistics, Springer (T. G. Crainic and M. Gendreau and B. Gendron, eds.) (2021), 317--343.
Publications 2020
Operations Research for Health Care 27 (2020)
Renewable Energy 152 (2020), 198--207.
Publications 2019
EURO Journal on Computational Optimization 7 (2019), no. 1, 15--45.
Computers & Operations Research 101 (2019), 1--12. (2019), no. 1912.10897, 1--10.
Optimization and Engineering 20 (2019), no. 2, 497--542.
Annals of Operations Research 272 (2019), no. 1--2, 3--28.
Publications 2018
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 36 (2018), no. 3, 763--788.
Mathematical Programming, series A 171 (2018), no. 1--2, 55--85.
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 35 (2018), no. 3, 853--859.
Publications 2017
Proceedings of GLOBECOM 2017 - 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference, IEEE (2017).
Networks 70 (2017), no. 4, 342--359.
Networks 69 (2017), 67-82.
European Journal of Operational Research 263 (2017), 35-49.
Publications 2016
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 52 (2016), 213--220.
Proceedings of RNDM 2016, IEEE (2016), 108--115.
On Robust Lot Sizing Problems with Storage Deterioration, with Applications to Heat and Power Cogeneration
In Combinatorial Optimization, Springer (R. Cerulli, S. Fujishige, A. R. Mahjoub, eds.) (2016), 26--37.
Journal of Network and Systems Management 24 (2016), no. 3, 681--710.
An adaptive discretization MINLP algorithm for optimal synthesis of decentralized energy supply systems
Computers & Chemical Engineering 95 (2016), 38--48.
Publications 2015
Optimization Online (2015)
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 32 (2015), no. 5, 1550038-1--27.
Discrete Optimization 18 (2015), 123--149.
11th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2015), IEEE (2015), 1--8.
Operations Research and Computing: Algorithms and Software for Analytics - Proceedings of the 14th INFORMS Computing Society Conference (ICS2015), INFORMS (2015), 74--87.
Telecommunication Systems 60 (2015), no. 4, 423--450.
Publications 2014
IEEE Communications Magazine 52 (2014), no. 2, 178--185.
Theoretical Computer Science 553 (2014), 64--73.
INFORMS Journal on Computing 26 (2014), no. 4, 893--909.
Publications 2013
Proceedings of 8th International Symposium on Algorithms for Sensor Systems, Wireless Ad Hoc Networks and Autonomous Mobile Entities, Springer (2013), 30--41.
A robust optimisation model and cutting planes for the planning of energy-efficient wireless networks
Computers & Operations Research 40 (2013), no. 1, 80--90.
EURO Journal on Computational Optimization 1 (2013), no. 3, 253-281.
IEEE GreenCom 2013, IEEE (2013), 179-186.
Proceedings of the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC 2013), Optical Society of America (2013), JTh2A.02.
Networks 61 (2013), no. 2, 128–-149.
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 41 (2013), 69-76.
Publications 2012
Theory of Computing Systems 50 (2012), no. 3, 420--432.
ACM Transactions on Algorithms 9 (2012), no. 1, Art 12.
Proceedings of RNDM 2012, IEEE (2012), 738 -744.
Proceedings of the 12th Würzburg Workshop on IP: ITG Workshop "Visions of Future Generation Networks" (EuroView2012) (2012).
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2012), no. 253, 1-14.
Publications 2011
Information and Computation 209 (2011), no. 7, 1103--1119.
Proceedings of INOC 2011, International Network Optimization Conference, Springer (2011), 583--588.
Optimization Letters 5 (2011), no. 3, 379--392.
13èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques de Télécommunications (AlgoTel11) (2011), 119-122.
Network Optimization, 5th International Conference, INOC 2011, Hamburg, Germany, June 2011, Proceedings, Springer (2011), 37--42.
12th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM) (2011).
NetGCooP 2011 International Conference on NETwork Games, COntrol and OPtimization (2011).
Proceedings of International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA 2011) (2011), 218--229.
Proceedings of RNDM 2011, Reliable Network Design and Modelling (2011).
Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science Treewidth, Tree Decompositions, and Brambles
In Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, Wiley (2011), .
Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN), 2011 8th International Workshop on the , IEEE Xplore (2011), 54--61 .
Tagungsband der 12. ITG-Fachtagung Photonische Netze, VDE Verlag GmbH (2011), 154--161.
Proceedings of INOC 2011, International Network Optimization Conference, Springer (2011), 118--123.
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2011, IEEE Xplore (2011), 1--5.
Technical Report 11-34, Zuse Institute Berlin (2011).
Network Optimization, 5th International Conference, INOC 2011, Hamburg, Germany, Springer (2011), 478--483.
Networks 57 (2011), 141--156.
Publications 2010
Information and Computation 208 (2010), 259-275.
Technical Report UU-CS-2010, Utrecht University (2010).
Technical Report 018-2010, Technische Universität Berlin (2010).
Proceedings Next Generation Internet, NGI 2010, IEEE Xplore (2010).
In Graphs and Algorithms in Communication Networks, Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Koster, Arie M.C.A. and Muñoz, X., eds.) (2010), 1--59.
In Graphs and Algorithms in Communication Networks, Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Koster, Arie M.C.A. and Muñoz, X., eds.) (2010), 95--118.
Publications 2009
Proceedings of INOC 2009 (2009).
Algorithmica 55 (2009), 375--391.
Proceedings of INOC 2009 (2009).
International Conference on Photonics in Switching, PS'09 (2009), 1-2.
Publications 2008
Algorithmica 51 (2008), 81--98.
The Computer Journal 51 (2008), no. 3, 255--269.
Technical Report UU-CS-2008, Utrecht University (2008).
In Telecommunications Modeling, Policy, and Technology, Springer (S. Raghavan, Bruce Golden, Edward Wasil, eds.) (2008), 1--23.
Proceedings of the 13th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning Symposium (NETWORKS 2008) (2008).
RAIRO -- Operations Research 42 (2008), 485--500.
Publications 2007
Annals of Operations Research 153 (2007), 79--129.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 155 (2007), 1348--1372.
Algorithmica 47 (2007), no. 2, 139--158.
Technical Report 07--10, Zuse Institute Berlin (2007).
Technical Report 07--21, ZIB (2007).
A Routing and Network Dimensioning Strategy to reduce Wavelength Continuity Conflicts in All-Optical Networks
Proceedings of INOC 2007, International Network Optimization Conference (2007).
Proceedings of INOC 2007, International Network Optimization Conference (2007).
Statistica Neerlandica 61 (2007), no. 1, 115--136.
Proceedings 15th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms, ESA2007, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2007), 693--704.
Proceedings of DRCN 2007, Design of Reliable Communication Networks (2007).
Proceedings of INOC 2007, International Network Optimization Conference (2007).
Proceedings of INOC 2007, International Network Optimization Conference (2007).
Technical Report 07--08, ZIB (2007).
Publications 2006
Proceedings 14th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms, ESA 2006, Springer (2006), 672--683.
Discrete Mathematics 306 (2006), no. 3, 337--350.
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 10 (2006), no. 1, 5--49.
Proceedings 7th ITG-Workshop on Photonic Networks, VDE Verlag GmbH (2006), 161--168.
Proceedings 8th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON 2006 (2006), 101-104.
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 25 (2006), 177--181.
Technical Report 06--30, ZIB (2006).
Publications 2005
Technical Report 05--54, ZIB (2005).
Proceedings 13th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms, ESA 2005, Springer (2005), 391--402.
Computational Intelligence 21 (2005), no. 3, 286--305.
Proceedings of DRCN 2005, Design of Reliable Communication Networks (2005), 421--428.
Technical Report 05--55, ZIB (2005).
In TutORials 2005, INFORMS Annual Meeting (J. Cole Smith, eds.) (2005), 1--29.
Proceedings of INOC 2005, International Network Optimization Conference (2005), 60--66.
Technical Report 05--13, ZIB (2005).
Technical Report 05--50, ZIB (2005).
Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Efficient and Experimental Algorithms, WEA 2005 (2005), 101--112.
Proceedings of INOC 2005, International Network Optimization Conference (2005), 44--51.
Discrete Optimization 2 (2005), no. 3, 241--255.
Proceedings of ONDM 2005, The 9th IFIP Working Conference on Optical Network Design & Modelling (2005), 335--345.
Journal of Network and Systems Management 13 (2005), no. 1, 35--55.
Proceedings of INOC 2005, International Network Optimization Conference (2005), 100--105.
Publications 2004
Tagungsband der 5. ITG-Fachtagung Photonische Netze, VDE Verlag GmbH (2004), 121--128.
Technical Report 04--45, ZIB (2004).
Proceedings of International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, WG 2004 (2004), 81--92.
Joint Proceedings of the workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'04) and the workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO'04) (2004), 70--78.
Technical Report 04--29, ZIB (2004).
Proceedings of 12th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms, ESA 2004 (2004), 628--639.
Technical Report 04--44, ZIB (2004).
Technical Report 04--41, ZIB (2004).
Proceedings of ONDM 2004, The 8th IFIP Working Conference on Optical Network Design & Modelling (2004), 517--535.
Technical Report 04--40, ZIB (2004).
Technical Report 04--43, ZIB (2004).
Publications 2003
4OR 1 (2003), no. 4, 261--317.
Technical Report 03--31, ZIB (2003).
TeleKommunikation Aktuell 57 (2003), no. 07+08, 1--62.
Technical Report 03--32, ZIB (2003).
Technical Report UU--2003--, UU (2003).
Discrete Applied Mathematics 133 (2003), 103--121.
Technical Report 03--45, ZIB (2003).
Technical Report 03--10, ZIB (2003).
Technical Report 03--24, ZIB (2003).
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2003), IEEE (2003), 85--92.
Proceedings of ONDM 2003, The 7th IFIP Working Conference on Optical Network Design & Modelling (2003), 61--80.
Publications 2002
Technical Report 02--49, ZIB (2002).
Technical Report 02--16, ZIB (2002).
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 22 (2002), no. 1, 51--88.
Technical Report 02--09, ZIB (2002).
DMV-Mitteilungen (2002), no. 1, 18--25.
Telecommunications Network Design and Management, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2002), 1--24.
Technical Report 02--50, ZIB (2002).
Mathematical Programming, series A 92 (2002), no. 2, 335--358.
Networks 40 (2002), no. 3, 170--180.
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 56 (2002), no. 1, 45--65.
Technical Report 02--34, ZIB (2002).
Publications 2001
Technical Report 01--40, ZIB (2001).
Technical Report 01--39, ZIB (2001).
Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers (2001), 32--39.
Technical Report 01--38, ZIB (2001).
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 8 (2001), 54--57.
Publications 2000
Technical Report 00--47, ZIB (2000).
European Journal of Operational Research 127 (2000), 189--202.
Technical Report 00--22, ZIB (2000).
Technical Report 00--18, ZIB (2000).
Ricerca Operativa 30 (2000), no. 94--95, 101--116.
Technical Report 00--36, ZIB (2000).
Publications 1999
PhD thesis from UM (1999).
Technical Report 99/026, UM (1999).
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG '99), Springer-Verlag (1999), 338--349.
Technical Report 99/011, UM (1999).
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 3 (1999), 102--105.
Publications 1998
Operations Research Letters 23 (1998), no. 3--5, 89--97.
Technical Report 98/009, UM (1998).
Publications 1997
Technical Report 97/005, UM (1997).
Publications 1996
Technical Report 96/027, Universiteit Maastricht (1996).
Publications 1995
Master thesis from Technische Universiteit Delft (1995).