Robust flows over time: models and complexity results

Corinna Gottschalk, Arie M.C.A. Koster, Frauke Liers, Britta Peis, Daniel Schmand, Andreas Wierz
Mathematical Programming, series A 171 (2018), no. 1--2, 55--85.

BibTex references


author = "Gottschalk, Corinna and Koster, Arie M.C.A. and Liers, Frauke and Peis, Britta and Schmand, Daniel and Wierz, Andreas",

title = "Robust flows over time: models and complexity results",

journal = "Mathematical Programming, series A",

number = "1--2",

volume = "171",

pages = "55--85",

year = "2018",

note = "",


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