Availability and Cost Based Evaluation of Demand-wise Shared Protection

R. Hülsermann, M. Jäger, Arie M.C.A. Koster, S. Orlowski, R. Wessälly, A. Zymolka
Proceedings 7th ITG-Workshop on Photonic Networks, VDE Verlag GmbH (2006), 161--168.

BibTex references


author = "Hülsermann, R. and Jäger, M. and Koster, Arie M.C.A. and Orlowski, S. and Wessälly, R. and Zymolka, A.",

title = "Availability and Cost Based Evaluation of Demand-wise Shared Protection",

booktitle = "Proceedings 7th ITG-Workshop on Photonic Networks",

pages = "161--168",

year = "2006",

publisher = "VDE Verlag GmbH",

address = "Leipzig, Germany",

note = "http://opus.kobv.de/zib/volltexte/2006/909/",


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» R. Hülsermann
» M. Jäger
» Arie M.C.A. Koster
» S. Orlowski
» R. Wessälly
» A. Zymolka