A proof of a conjecture on the differential of a subcubic graph

R. Khoeilar, H. Karami, Mustapha Chellali, S.M. Sheikholeslami, Lutz Volkmann
Discrete Appl. Math. 287 (2020), 27--39.

BibTex references


author = "Khoeilar, R. and Karami, H. and Chellali, Mustapha and Sheikholeslami, S.M. and Volkmann, Lutz",

title = "A proof of a conjecture on the differential of a subcubic graph",

journal = "Discrete Appl. Math.",

volume = "287",

pages = "27--39",

year = "2020",


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» R. Khoeilar
» H. Karami
» Mustapha Chellali
» S.M. Sheikholeslami
» Lutz Volkmann