A general method in the theory of domination in graphs

Adriana Hansberg, Dirk Meierling, Lutz Volkmann
Int. J. Comput. Math. 87 (2010), no. 13, 2915--2924.

BibTex references


author = "Hansberg, Adriana and Meierling, Dirk and Volkmann, Lutz",

title = "A general method in the theory of domination in graphs",

journal = "Int. J. Comput. Math.",

number = "13",

volume = "87",

pages = "2915--2924",

year = "2010",

note = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00207160903137167",


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» Adriana Hansberg
» Dirk Meierling
» Lutz Volkmann