Publikationen des Lehrstuhl II für Mathematik
Publications 2021
J. Graph Theory 98 (2021), 426--444.
Patients, primary care, and policy: Agent-based simulation modeling for health care decision support

Health Care Management Science (2021), 1--28.
In Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization: from Theory to Applications, Springer (2021), 145--156.
RAIRO -- Operations Research 55 (2021), S853--S862.
In Network Design with Applications to Transportation and Logistics, Springer (T. G. Crainic and M. Gendreau and B. Gendron, eds.) (2021), 317--343.
Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 47 (2021), 1315--1323.
Opuscula Math. 41 (2021), 259--268.
Communications in Combinatorics and Optimization 6 (2021), 171--183.
Tamkang J. Math. 52 (2021), 497--508.
Communications in Combinatorics and Optimization 6 (2021), no. 1, 1--15.
Publications 2020
Quaest. Math. 43 (2020), 1065--1082.
Networks (2020), 1--18. (2020), no. 2005.11062, 1--36.
Operations Research for Health Care 27 (2020)
Optimization Online (2020), 1-17.
J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput. 115 (2020), 141--171.
In Topics in Domination in Graphs, Springer (T.W. Haynes, S.T. Hedetniemi and M.A. Henning, eds.) (2020), 365--409.
AKCE Int. J. Graphs Combin. 17 (2020), 966--984.
Asian-Eur. J. Math. 13 (2020), no. 8, 12 pp.
Communications in Combinatorics and Optimization 5 (2020), 139--155.